Nurturing Self-Care During a Grieving Process
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Nurturing Self-Care During a Grieving Process

Did you know that self-care can be a powerful tool in supporting your healing and emotional well-being while grieving? Grief can be an overwhelming emotional storm that clouds any journey. But amidst the turbulence, remember: it's okay to put yourself first. Self-care provides the anchor we all need to navigate through any heartache and come out stronger! Facing grief can feel like an impossible task, and yet so many of us are called to navigate its tumultuous waters, alone and without guidance.

This past year I battled with grief. I suffered a loss and did not know how to face it. My grief is what we would call behavioral. I started to experience a lot of forgetfulness. I have such hyper self awareness that I forced myself to use my calendar with audible alerts just because I noticed how forgetful I was becoming. Grief can feel like such a difficult topic to discuss but as we roll into a new month I knew I was ready to share this topic with you all. Remember at some point in life we will experience the hurt that goes along with it (life). When that happens I want you to be ready and equipped to nurture and prioritize self-care during your grieving process.

Continue to read along as we explore the how in prioritizing self-care during the grieving process and find your way back to tranquility.

I. Listening to Your Body: Honoring Physical and Emotional Needs

  • During grief, it can be easy to push aside our physical and emotional needs. But in doing so, we rob ourselves of a vital component of healing. By listening to our bodies and prioritizing our needs, we take an important step in caring for ourselves.

  • Here are a few tips to help you listen to your body: get adequate rest, nourish yourself with healthy meals, and engage in gentle exercise or movement such as yoga. Also, seeking professional help, such as grief therapy or counseling, can provide a supportive outlet to help you nurture your emotional well-being.

  • If you are looking for a grief therapist and grief counseling I highlight recommend Grief Recovery Specialist and Life’s Transitions Coach, Brianna Hines of Goals, Grind, and Grace. Please note: Individual sessions are offered - group session dates will be posted soon.

I honored and listened to my physical and emotional needs during my grieving period by saying no to outings, engagements, and other peoples needs. I instilled boundaries that allowed me to prioritize myself. I also spoke up for what I needed - a babysitter, time alone, sleep, a nap etc. It felt selfish at first, however, it helped me recuperate.

II. Journaling: A Therapeutic Outlet for Processing Grief

  • Journaling is a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional release during grief. It allows us to sit with our feelings and process them in a healthy way.

  • To start a grief journal, try using prompts or reflection exercises such as writing letters to your loved one or keeping a gratitude list. It is important to document your thoughts and feelings, track progress, and find solace in the written word.

  • BeDivine - my empowerment product line has a 2024 journal that will be on sale for purchase in December. Be sure to save and bookmark my shopping page for future purchases.

My therapeutic outlet is creating. Digital art, websites, choreography, blogs, etc. Although these fall under the services I provide in my small business, I felt very relaxed while creating and energized after creating. I do not journal as much as I want to however, I enjoy using my blog and my author coaching sessions as a way to express my thoughts.

III. Immersing Yourself in Familiar Activities or Skills: Finding Comfort and Distraction

  • During grief, engaging in familiar activities or hobbies can be a means of finding comfort and distraction. As you find your way back to joy and a sense of normalcy, these activities can provide a much needed refuge from the turbulence of grief.

  • Here are examples of comforting activities such as listening to music, gardening, cooking, dancing, singing, or practicing an instrument. Each of these activities can bring comfort and solace, which is the critical component to managing grief.

I am still working on honoring this comfort and distraction. My ultimate goal is to dance again as a professional black concert dancer. It is my safe space and helps with the connection between my mind, body, and soul.

In conclusion, to navigate the process of grieving, it is important to prioritize self-care, listen to your

body, journal your thoughts, and immerse yourself in comforting activities. These steps can help support your healing and emotional well-being during difficult times. These steps have become a regimen for me and I continuously work towards the ultimate goal of them becoming second nature. Remember to trust the journey of your grieving process and give yourself the time and space you need to find peace after loss. And as always, I am here to support, provided additional resources, and empower you throughout your healing journey.

Photo Credit: Harrell Photography

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